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Welcome to Chris Hani District Municipality

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ISigqeba esijongene no lwaluko kwi ngingqi yase Chris Hani sinikezela ingxelo yolwaluko lwasehlotyeni. Angaphaya kwe 15 000 amakhwenkwe athe asiwa esuthwini kulonyaka siphuma kuwo.  read more

CHDM is currently engaging with Gift of the Givers on short term solutions for water supply in Komani.  read more

Community engagement with Mlungisi township residents on water supply issues is currently underway at Thobi-Kula Indoor Sport Centre in Komani. CHDM in collaboration with Enoch Mgijima LM, business sector, community and other stakeholders proposed long term and short solutions to the water supply challenges. read more

Engagement on water supply solutions for Komani is currently underway in CHDM Council Chambers. read more

The water treatment system has stabilized and the pumping is up and running . Water supply has been restored in other areas including Frontier Hospital.  read more

KOMANI WATER UPDATE I Chris Hani District Municiaplity has roped in the Gift of the Givers for support as Komani continues to experience water shortage.  read more

CHDM Executive Mayor Cllr Lusanda Sizani addressed community members from Mlungisi in Komani today who verbally presented issues relating to water and sanitation provision. read more

XONXA UPDATE: Repair works continue in Xonxa pump station. Transformers are being serviced and testing of voltage is in progress. Further updates will be provided. read more

Engagement on water supply issues for Ward 11,12 & 13 in Komani, Enoch Mgijima LM is in progress at Ashley Wyngaardt Community Hall- Victoria Park.  read more

In session | stakeholders engagements on water services in progress in various venues in Komani. The engagements seek to address current water shortages in the area, whilst mapping out interventions that have been put in place.  read more

Komani and surrounding areas continue to experience drastic water shortage as Bonkolo dam has declined and is below abstraction point, whilst Water down dam solely supplies Whittlesea / Komani and is inadequate due to demand. read more

Komani ratepayers were engaged by the district on water and sanitation-related issues at the Council Chambers this more

Provincial Safer Festive Season 2024 Lunch is still underway in Komani, Enoch Mgijima LM under Chris Hani District Municipality.  read more

CHDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Lusanda Sizani handed over Eluhewini Water Scheme to the villages of Nkwenkwa, Qolweni, and KoMkhulu in Ward 5, Dr AB Xuma LM.  read more

CHDM and CHDA in a briefing session with the Head of Trade and Investment in Burundi Embassy, Mr Robert Mugalula, preparing for an official state visit of the Ambassador of Burundi to CHDM planned for next month. read more

Community of Ward 32, Bakles Farm in Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality benefited from integrated service delivery day .read more

CHDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Lusanda Sizani visited the newly established mechanical and electrical workshop in Komani.  read more

IN PICTURES | CHDM led by Executive Mayor has visited KwaMzolo Bulk Water Supply Project in Ncorha, Intsika Yethu LM.  read more

PROJECT HANDOVER | The people of KwaMzola, Mathafeni, Luqolweni and Qaqeni, in Ncorha. read more

On the 09 October 2024, Service Delivery Day was held at Karmastone where Chris Hani District Municipality working together with the Department of Health, Home Affairs, SASSA, rendered services to Ward 30 community .read more

CHDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Lusanda Sizani, on behalf of the Eastern Cape Premier, alongside the Emalahleni Mayor, Cllr Nontombizanele Koni and her delegation, handed over and switched on the highmast lights at Zingqolweni, Ward 17 and Greyspan, Ward 3 as part of the commemoration of the International Day of Elderly Persons.  read more

AM Zantsi from Sakhisizwe Local Municipality, we stand proud! 2024 EC.  read more

South African Youth Council in collaboration with Chris Hani District Municipality and Chris Hani Development Agency held an Indaba in Magwala, Intsika Yethu Local Municipality. read more

Penhoek Pass open to traffic , including heavy duty vehicles and closely monitored by traffic authorities .read more

Harsh weather conditions continue as another level 6 warning has been issued by South African Weather Services.  read more

Please take note. Bad weather conditions in the area has led to road closures. Motorists stay alert. Stay safe.  read more

uMasipala wesithili iChris Hani ebambisene ne Sebe Lezemidlalo, Inkcubeko noBugcisa noMasipala iEnoch Mgijima, kunye neKomkhulu iZulukama basingathe umsitho wokubhiyozela amagugu, amasiko, inkcubeko yethu kwanobugcisa. read more

National Council of Provinces Oversight Visit to Chris Hani District Municipality / Eastern Cape Province .read more

The delegation from National Council of Provinces led by the Deputy Executive Mayor, Cllr Noncedo September – Caba visited the Tsomo Water Treatment Works, in Tsomo, under Intsika Yethu Local Municipality.  read more

NCOP delegation engaging Members of the Provincial Legislature, Executive Mayors, Mayors, MMCs, and senior government officials ahead of their oversight visits to identified infrastructure projects in the district today.  read more

The Provincial Health Council Representative and the MMC for Health and Community Services, Cllr Malibongwe Fatyela, shared provincial and district reflections with the Department of Health sub-districts across the district. read more

Today CHDM will be handing over waste wheelie bins, seedlings, water tanks, indigenous and fruit trees to the two primary schools .read more

National Arbor Month Commemoration | Led by MMC for Health and Community Services, Cllr Malibongwe Fatyela, National Arbor Month was commemorated at Matshona Primary School, Cofimvaba at Intsika Yethu LM today.  read more

MPAC Workshop led by Cogta Eastern Cape was conducted today at the Council Chambers, targeting MPAC Committee Members from all six CHDM local municipalities.  read more

Technical DDM Programme is underway at the Council Chambers, Bells Offices, Komani. The session is meant to engage on DDM catalytic projects and assess the functionality of DDM structures as well as the status of the CHDM OnePlan. read more

CHDM technical team is currently fixing a pipe burst that occurred in Sterkstroom next to the railway. Water has been closed for Sterkstroom Town and Masakhe Location for the duration of this work. Further communication will be shared to give an update .read more

COGTA Ministerial Engagement, led by the Hon Deputy Minister, Dr Namane Dickson Masemola, joined by Cogta Eastern Cape, Hon MEC, Mr Zolile Williams and CHDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Lusanda Sizani has commenced at Roydon Game Farm, Komani, in the Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality.  read more

The session afforded CHDM and Local Municipalities’ Executive Mayors and Mayors an opportunity to reflect on the profile and the state of their municipalities in relation to basic service delivery; governance and financial viability; economic development, infrastructure; resource sharing; as per DDM prerequisites.  read more

CHDM is currently handing over a contractor for the refurbishment of Elliot Water Treatment Works to improve water supply service in Khowa, Sakhisizwe LM. read more

In session | An Agricultural Investment Forum is underway at the CHDM Council more

EC Provincial SALGA’s Municipal Finance and Fiscal Workshop Working Group is currently in session at Chris Hani District Municipality Council Chambers in Komani.  read more

Engagement on Dordrecht Upgrading of Bulk Water Supply Phase 4.  read more

Affected farmers are still counting their loss after devastating veld fires that hit different parts of the district. read more

Strong winds contributing to the spread of raging firesl . read more

Chdm fire services, Enoch Mgijima LM, Farmers Fire Protection Associations and Volunteers are battling yet another fire in the Lawrence De Lange game reserve and nearby mountains.  read more

District Wide Infrastructure Forum (DWIF) is currently in progress at Cala, Sakhisizwe Local Municipality.  read more

All local municipalities in Chris Hani District Municipality are participating in Just Energy Transition (JET) Municipal Conference held from 26-27 August in Midrand-Johannesburg. read more

The community of ward 30, in Tarkastad, Enoch Mgijima LM today participated in service delivery day programme held in Zola Community Hall . read more

CONSULTATIVE ENGAGEMENT | CHDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Lusanda Sizani held last engagement with Water Scheme Operators and Community Service Providers (CSPs) about the replacement of those who are over 60 years in Intsika Yethu LM.  read more

First of its kind, Molteno Service Delivery Point Office was officially handed over to the community by the MEC for the Department of Social Development and Special Programmes, Hon Bukiwe Fanta.  read more

CHDM Fire Fighters and Volunteers in Komani are hard at work. read more

Stay Alert! Watch out for fires near public roads….Stay Safe! . read more

We are deeply shocked and saddened by the news of the untimely passing of CHDM former Speaker, Mr Mxolisi Koyo yesterday.

Mr Koyo, was a rare breed and a selfless servant of the people. He served the people of Chris Hani District Municipality with deligence and displayed great humility in carrying out his responsibilities throughout his tenure.  read more

#MabayeBephilaBabuyeBephila | iSigqeba esijongene no lwaluko eChris Hani , i Chris Hani Initiation Forum, ihleli sithetha nje, inikezela ngengxelo yo Lwaluko lwexesha lase Busika. Ingxelo le iquka bonke ooMasipala abakwingingqi iChris Hani – nangona ibikhona imiceli mngeni – akukho bakhwetha bathe baphulukana nobom babo.  read more

CHDM currently held stakeholder engagement and training of ward councillors on indigigent registration programme in Dr AB Xuma Local Municipality. read more

Chris Hani District Municipality as led by the Deputy Executive Mayor, Cllr Noncedo September-Caba, Council Speaker, Cllr Jongumzi Cengani, Chief Whip, Cllr Nobantu Macingwane, MMC, Cllr Nosipho Papiyana and Local Cllr Thabo Vali, handed-over new baby essentials to July mothers in Frontier Hospital this morning . read more

Chris Hani District Municipality working together with Emalahleni Local Municipality held the World Environment Day at Indwe today under the theme: Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience.  read more

CHDM Engagement with community, business and ratepayers on Smart Water Meter installations in ward 9, Enoch Mgijima LM, Komani.  read more

CHDM Initiation Forum presents the state of readiness for Winter Initiation Season  . read more

Harsh weather condition: Snow fall reported resulting in road closures . read more

CHDM led by Cllr Sinomtha Lali-Madubedube is currently engaging with stakeholders (business, ratepayers & sector departments) and the community of ward 9 and 10 in Enoch Mgijima LM, Toptown at Queens College, and Roman Catholic in Komani. read more

#AfricaDay Eastern Cape Province is currently celebrating Africa Day and 30 Years of Freedom in Chris Hani Distric Municipality, Komani, Enoch Mgijima LM . read more

#InterfaithPrayer | Eastern Cape Premier, Hon. Oscar Mabuyane leads Provincial Interfaith Prayer for social ills and 2024 General Election set to take place on 29th of May   . read more

REFURBISHED WATER TREATMENT WORKS HANDOVER | CHDM Deputy Executive Mayor, Cllr Noncedo September currently handing over the Refurbished Molteno Water Treatment Works to the community . read more

WATER SCHEME HANDOVER | CHDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Lusanda Sizani is officially handing over Clarkebury Village New Water Scheme in Dr AB Xuma LM . read more

CHDM in partnership with Cemforce, Vukani FM and Devine Seed NPO handed over household material and ablution structure to the Stulo family in Vaalbank, Emalahleni LM . read more

WATER TUESDAY-Today | CHDM led by Executive Mayor, Cllr Lusanda Sizani exploring spring water sources as part of leading solutions for water challenges in Intsika Yethu LM and across the district . read more

Lubisi Water Treatment Works, located at Intsika Yethu local municipality  . read more

WATER TUESDAY-Cofimvaba | CHDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Lusanda Sizani is currently engaging with Intsika Yethu LM councillors from all wards on water issues to ensure water supply provision is significantly improved in the area . read more

CHDM Community is given an opportunity to engage with the municipality on IDP Review and Budget 2024-2025 . read more

The Deputy Executive Mayor and the Members of the Mayoral Committee are addressing masses on the plans and the programmes aimed to change the lives of the Chris Hani citizens . read more

The Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality partnered with Chris Hani and the Southern Africa Institute For artisans (SAIFA) to launch a work integrated programme for unemployed youth. Today, the Executive Mayor, Cllr Madoda Papiyana welcomed 100 beneficiaries from across the district at the Council Chambers, Bells Road, Komani . read more

SMART WATER METER | CHDM led by MMC Cllr Thembisile Bobo is currently engaging with the community of Ward 10, Komani in Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality on Smart Water Meter Rollout . read more

A partnership between Enoch Mgijima LM and CHDM has led to a joint Free Basic Services Registration/Indigent Registration Programme that will be undertaken for the whole month of May . read more

Day 2: FREE BASIC SERVICES/ Indigent Registration campaign is underway at Unathi Mkefa Hall, Ezibeleni. Come register on the database with Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality, SASSA East to help you. . read more

Deputy Executive Mayor, Cllr Noncedo September and Council Speaker, Cllr Jongumzi Cengani joined the Deputy Minister of TransportHon Lisa Mangcu and Deputy Minister in Presidency, Hon Sisisi Tolashe & Eastern Cape MEC for Education, Hon Fundile Gade during the handover of these bicycles at Qamata Great Place in Cofimvaba . read more

[IN PICTURES ] Handover to Rams | CHDM Wool 5th Annual Growers Indaba . read more

CHDM in partnership with National Wool Grower’s Association held 5th Annual CHDM Wool Growers Indaba in Cacadu,Emalahleni LM . read more

CHDM through the Legal Services Unit held an Eastern Cape Local Government Legal Advisor’s Forum today at the Council Chambers, Bells Road, Komani . read more

Enoch Mgijima LM is currently engaging with CHDM on issues of water and sanitation . read more

The planned maintenance in Ezibeleni High level pumping mainline which included Old plant refurbishment of filters by CHDM has long been completed . read more

Hearing for Chris Hani District is underway at Thobi-Kula Indoor Sport Centre, Komani . read more

Live on Zibonele FM, the Executive Mayor is engaging the Western Cape based Chris Hani citizens on issues of Water and Sanitation. read more

CHDM is exploring use of springs in an effort to ensure that communities have access to clean drinking water across the district . read more

Stakeholder engagement on Water Smart Meter rollout held at Baptize Church to engage Middelburg community. read more

Today, CHDM, in partnership with the Provincial Legislature, IEC, Emalahleni LM, Sector Departments. read more

As part of #WaterTUESDAY, post engagement visits were conducted at Lusaka and Nonzame Townships . read more

CHDM Mayoral Committee led by the Deputy Executive Mayor, Cllr Noncedo September Caba is visiting Middelburg, Inxuba Yethemba LM today to engage and give account to the community on water and sanitation related issues. read more

CHDM Work Readiness Session incorporating government departments and state entities, was conducted at the Council Chambers, Bells Road Office today, targeting experiential learners. read more

CHDM as led by the Finance Portfolio Head, Cllr Sinomtha Lali, working together with Kennel Connection is currently engaging stakeholders from Ward 14 of Intsika Yethu LM at Cofimvaba Town Hall on Water Smart Meters. read more

Construction is underway for the Sada Water Treatment Works Augmentation Project, in Sada Township, Enoch Mgijima local municipality. read more

WATER SCHEME SITE VISITS | CHDM continues to work towards improving water supply in our communities. read more

CHDM led by Council Speaker, Cllr Jongumzi Cengani, Cllr Nobantu Macingwane and Cllr Nosipho Papiyana, this morning embarked on a voter education blitz in Komani, Enoch Mgijima Local Municipality. read more

Community engagement with the community of Sada township and surrounding areas, on water and sanitation service provision and other service delivery issues. read more

PROJECT HANDOVER | The community of Mdabaniso at Ward 11 in Intsika Yethu LM is happy to welcome contractors as CHDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Lusanda Sizani delivers Sanitation Project.
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PREMIER’S CUP | Chris Hani talented kids representing the district arrived at Provincial Premier Games before the start of Opening Ceremony in East London, Buffalo Park Stadium.  read more

Work is currently underway to refurbish Komani Water Treatment Works to improve its efficiency to service Komani town and surrounding areas, including Ezibeleni and Mlungisi. read more

Various sporting clubs from across the district received sporting equipment from the Department of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture (DSRAC) today at Thobi-Kula Indoor Sports Centre, Komani. read more

War Room Integrated Service Delivery Programme

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PROJECT HANDOVER | CHDM Executive Mayor, Cllr Lusanda Sizani joined by Dr AB Xuma Local Municipality Mayor, Cllr Siyabulela Zangqa are currently handing over a contractor for spring water project. read more

In session: Launch of CHDM Agricultural Investment Forum read more

The Mayors are attending a Water and Sanitation Ministerial Visit and currently engaging on the state of Water and Sanitation Services in CHDM. read more

IDP Rep Forum currently underway at the Council Chambers, Bells Road, Komani read more

Chris Hani District Municipality teams are dominating in different sports fields at the Provincial Premier Games in East London this morning. read more