Engagement on water supply issues for Ward 11,12 & 13 in Komani, Enoch Mgijima LM is in progress at Ashley Wyngaardt Community Hall- Victoria Park
Author: Bonga Kubukeli
UPDATE: KOMANI WATER SUPPLY | Komani and surrounding areas continue to experience drastic water shortage as Bonkolo dam has declined and is below abstraction point, whilst Water down dam solely supplies Whittlesea / Komani and is inadequate due to demand.
Repairs to Xonxa pump station are at an advanced stage to be ready to effect pumping from Xonxa dam by March.
The district municipality has also urgently activated processes to explore ground water sources (boreholes) that will augment raw water inflow into the Berry holding source, whilst engagements with relevant stakeholders have also commenced to do an assessment of Bonkolo dam.
Additional 10 water carts have been sourced to ensure consistent supply to distressed areas.
Stakeholders engagements on water services in progress in various venues in Komani
In session | stakeholders engagements on water services in progress in various venues in Komani. The engagements seek to address current water shortages in the area, whilst mapping out interventions that have been put in place.