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Dept of Higher Education and Training through the National Skills Fund approved funding for GLTA Training Centre

Dept of Higher Education and Training through the National Skills Fund approved funding for GLTA Training Centre to implement the artisan skills development programme as part of NCF rural development projects funded through a request proposal.
The largest portion of the NCF Rural Funding allocation were awarded to skills development providers operating on the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces. 240 learners from Intsika Yethu LM benefited from a three months training provided on various skills like carpentry, brick-laying, plaster & tiling, concrete & form work.
Showcasing their talent, these learners built a house for an over 60 years Nomciciyelo Makabeni of Khwebulana village in Cofimvaba.
CHDM Deputy Mayor Noncedo September-Caba together with Intsika Yethu LM acting Mayor Cllr Mpengesi led a delegation from Higher Education and Training Dept, to handover Ms Makabeni’s house.