To all media houses
For immediate release
12 June 2020
CHDM employee who tested positive for the Coronavirus a few weeks back has now recovered. The news came as a huge relief to the institution as numbers of infected cases continue to climb across the country.
The employee was the first to test positive for Covid-19 in the district municipality, she has fully recovered and has since returned to work. The recovery was confirmed as her results came back negative following a second test conducted after the fourteen day mandatory quarantine period.
Last Month CHDM offices in Komani located at Cathcart Road had to temporarily close after a confirmed COVID-19 case was reported. All essential and critical services staff working in these offices were immediately evacuated from the municipal buildings as a precautionary measure as soon as this was reported. Decontamination of the offices was immediately undertaken, whilst a process of symptom screening and possible testing of all staff and contact tracing was conducted with the support from the Department of Health. All employees that underwent testing after this incident were cleared as the virus was not detected in their system.
To date the district municipality has six confirmed positive cases of employees and this number includes one recovery. The municipality has since put in place measures to manage and prevent the spread of the virus in all its operating sites. Health protocols enforced include daily symptomatic screening, availing of protective equipment to employees to ensure a safe environment.
The Municipal Manager, Mr Gcobani Mashiyi, warmly welcomed the employee back to work, indicating that “her recovery is an indication that it is possible to defeat the virus as long as one adheres to set protocols. We also denounce any actions that stigmatize those who have been infected”. He urged all involved to continue following hygiene etiquette by washing hands regularly with soap and water or sanitizers; wearing cloth masks every time they leave homes and continue to keep social distance.
“Chris Hani DM is a COVID-19 hotspot, it will take all of us to turn things around, he added”
Municipal Manager
Media enquiries: Communications Unit, Ms Thobeka Mqamelo,