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Access to sufficient water is a right as enshrined by the constitution however it cannot be said that this right is realized if the quality of water poses health risks for human consumption. The department of Water and Sanitation (DWA) initiated the Blue drop certification programme in 2008 with the following objectives which are as follows: introducing incentive based regulation of the drinking water quality management functions, introducing key requirement for effective and efficient management of drinking water quality by water services institutions, initiating transparency on the actual drinking quality management performance of water services institutions and providing information to the public on DWQ performance per water supply system.

Chris Hani District Municipality has improved with an overall BD score of 83.4% from 73.47 achieved in 2011 and was the top achiever within the province followed by Amathole District Municipality on 80% and Joe Gqabi on 75%. CHDM is doing a significant job as the technical services are doing their best to keep infrastructure in a good condition and employing qualified personnel.  The good work that the municipality is doing has earned them a Blue Drop award in 2012.

In spite of all the vast challenges that CHDM has, as the water authority it has managed to serve its communities and ensured that the drinking water is in good quality standards that are set as the regulatory requirement.