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Fire Services


Eldridge Baatjies


Xhobani Prince Mtyobile

  • Office Phone

    045 808 9031 / 045 808 9035

  • Fax

    045 838 1556

  • Location

    56 Tylden Street, Central,
    Queenstown, Eastern Cape,
    South Africa


The Municipal Structures Act clearly stipulates the role and responsibilities that the district shall provide in executing fire services. Such functions are:

Planning, co-ordination & regulating fire services; Specialised fire-fighting services such as maintain, veld and chemical fires; and Coordination of the standardisation of infrastructure, vehicles, equipment and procedures.

During this financial year, 387 structural fires throughout the district, 443 veld fires with 33 reported and recorded fire injuries. The District together with municipalities have since developed an awareness programme which seeks to educate the community on safety measures. The programme is progressing fairly well.