We’ve launched our digital COVID-19 vaccination certificate.
- The digital certificate is a validation that you have successfully completed the full COVID-19 vaccination course.
- It provides a secure and verifiable proof of vaccination and can be viewed on a mobile device.
- The certificate will go a long way in the further relaxation of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions and opening up more social and economic activities.
- It can be used to show your vaccination status to establishments, gatherings and other forms of activities, which request proof of vaccination.
- Government does not intend to make the certificate a requirement for accessing public services.
Our vaccine certificate is in line with WHO standards.
- Our approach in developing the digital certificate is informed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines and is in line with international best practice.
- The WHO proposed an electronic certificate for all countries as a mechanism to standardise vaccination proof across the world.
- Our digital certificate will go a long way towards getting a number of international travel restrictions both from and into our country eased.
- Vaccination certificates can be used to facilitate international travel where some countries require it as a condition of entry.
The digital certificate is secured.
- The electronic vaccination certificate has been developed with fraud protection and other security measures.
- The safety of the certificates is aligned to the highest international security standards.
- We have taken great care to build in security features that protect individuals` personal data.
- Our digital vaccine certificate features a scan QR code that can only be used by entities requiring to verify the card.