The Municipal Manager of Chris Hani District Municipality as duly instructed by the Council Speaker Cllr. Jongumzi Cengani hereby gives notice in terms of Section 29(a) of the Municipal Structures Act, Act 03 of 2021 as amended, that a special council meeting of Chris Hani District Municipality be held virtually on Friday, 10th of June 2022 at 11h00.
UManejala ka masipala wesithili iChris Hani njengoko eyalelwe nguSomlomo webhunga u Cllr. Jongumzi Cengani, bazisa ngokwe Candelo 29A (a) lo Mthetho olawula ukusebenza kooMasipala, Act 03 of 2021 ohlonyezelelweyo, ukuba intlanganiso ekhethekileyo yebhunga lesithili iChris Hani iyakubanjelwa ngo-Lwesihlanu umhla we 10 June 2022 ngentsimbi ye-11h00 – In line with Covid – 19 Regulations, the meeting will be virtual.
Issued by Municipal Manager
Mr G. Mashiyi
15 Bells Road, Komani, 5320
Private Bag X7121, Queenstown 5320
Tel: 0458084600
Fax: 0458081556